Second step....RSS feeds. To Bravely go where others have gone before...but on my own. I ventured into RSS feeds without the direction of the 2.0 training but indirectly through the help of several 2.0 gurus. Shannon Dean Wham's blog, Books, Bytes, & Grocery Store Feet is too good to miss by depending on my memory to check his blog regularly. The answer was the RSS. I realized the need and possibility because of Cathy Nelson through her reference to Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog. He made it easy for me by having the directions at the bottom of his kudos to Shannon's humor. So, I took the plunge and spent all afternoon tinkering around. So much for the dust bunnies and dirty clothes that were supposed to receive my Saturday attention!
One thing I can't quite figure out. Do all the blog entries remain? Do they evaporate like old e-mail? Can you delete what you don't need and keep other stuff? I saw the folder option but couldn't quite make heads or tails of managing old posts.
16 hours ago
Congratulations on the next step forward in your personal learning journey. If you tell me which reader you are using, I may be able to help. I used to use Bloglines--but have ince moved to Google Reader. There are features in both to help you keep "treasured" or memorable posts stored forever. But in both, once your read them, unless you take action, the only way to go and re read is to find them in their original state on the blog from which they came. My reader is a mess sometimes, and there are more times than I like to admit that I simply mark all as read b/c I don't have time to catch up. Sigh. But if you have specific questions, let me know and I'll do my best to help out. I am no guru--just a wannabe. cathynelson at gmail dot com is a way to contact me--or you can use my school accnt too cnelson at horrycountyschools dot net.
cathyjonelson at gmail dot come
(Someday I'll learn to type better too.)
I still use Bloglines myself and the entries remain in the blog itself of course, but as you read the new entries, they kind of "disappear" from your reader. I have my bloglines set up as my home page and that way, before I even check my email, I look to see if any of the blogs I follow have been updated. I think that if it wasn't my home page, I would never remember to check it.
Valerie Byrd Fort
I Love RSS! I was originally on Google Reader (as I love all things Google) but had some problems with some of the blogs not updating properly. I switched to Blogger, I didn't like it as well. I gave it a good 3-4 months then switched back to Google. I like Google's starred better than bloggers clip feature. I really like Google's trends feature it lets me know which blogs haven't posted in a while so I know to check the feed. Like Cathy, I "mark all read" quite a few times...usually to my news and extraneous posts. I follow so many RSS feeds that it's sometimes a pain to keep up, but well worth it.
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