Saturday, November 8, 2008


Lots of info from EdTech 08 and the cool info from the 23 Things ---I get wikis!! AND, I want to get wikis started for our teachers to use for collaborative projects, and for the students to use for collaborative projects, and for the library to use to promote students' favorite books, and for web resources, and the copyright wiki, and, and, and, the list goes on and on!! We will have a wiki world. Who would have thunk it? After so many years of putting out CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION about the use of wikipedia----and now here it is the HOT topic. My, how things evolve. Then there are all of the gadgets and widgets that go with the wiki to really jazz it up and make it a place where students and teachers want to take part. I think this may be the portal for pulling some of my reluctant 20th century learners and teachers into the ways of Web 2.0!

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