Saturday, December 6, 2008

Tubin' for Education

Teacher Tube and You Tube---what a great resource for teaching Digital Natives! Even though there is that ever present filter that makes us use our creative juices to find a means to make use of the useful in spite of the filter. My exploration lead me to see why there is a need for the filter. My first visit to Teacher Tube found a video front and center that had been loaded only 22 minutes before. It concerned, let's say, graphic anatomy and biology with a very intellectual title, but didn't appear to be totally scientifically grounded. I saw the message to please flag questionable entries---but couldn't find the means to flag it without activating it. And it wasn't a post that I felt I needed to visit to prove that I didn't need to be there. I felt like the students to whom we tell----if you find something objectionable--click away quickly. I would have expected to possibly find such on You Tube and I was hoping that Teacher Tube would be a bit safer, but no. But after a bit of mindless wandering on You Tube and a visit to 70s commercials, I found the video that was used at Ed Tech, Pay Attention. I was able to e-mail it to myself. I plan to use it to share with my teachers to raise awareness of the need--no, necessity--to integrate technology and tools into the educational processes. On Teacher Tube I found Allsop's use of Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire and subsequent lesson plans and ideas. Each time I hear that song I think of how great that would be to incorporate into history and research. Well, it has been done and he is willing to share. Now I've just got to maneuver it to a useful place to promote it!
The immensity of You Tube and Teacher Tube is somewhat overwhelming for casual browsing unless you approach it with a specific need. I will definitely be referring to it over and over. I love the Common Craft lessons for explanations of everything 2.0, as well. Good stuff, good stuff!


Cathy Jo Nelson said...

Don't forget for us in schools that have a very tight filter, sites lke can be our best friend. If one plans ahead, the video liked for a lesson can be downloaded ahead of time. NO I can't see many video sharing sites making it through many filters, ut that doesn't mean they do not offer potential to a classroom.

hloy said...

Yes, there are some gems that can be mined from the dirt of YouTube! Like Cathy says, download ( or use Zamzar so you don't have to worry about the filters.

Thanks for posting the "We didn't start the fire" video. Wouldn't it be cool if Billy Joel updated it to add the last 20 years? Wonder what he'd include?
